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Dynamics may be broken down into kinematics and kinetics. Kinematics deal with displacement,
               velocities and accelerations without concern for the forces involved. Kinetics deal with the forces

               and  moments  involved  in  making  the  body  move  along  with  the  measurement  of  various
               parameters describing the motion.

               1.2.3  SPACE

               Space is the geometric region occupied by bodies and their position are described by linear and

               angular measurements relative to coordinate system.

               1.2.4  PARTICLES

               Particle is a body which has a mass but negligible its dimension. In mathematics, a particle can be
               defined as a body which is the dimensions approach zero so that it can be treated as a point mass.

                                                    Figure 1.3: Particles

               1.2.5  RIGID BODY

               A body is said to be a rigid body when the relative movements between its parts that make up the

               body are negligible when certain amount of force or load is applied to the body. In other words, it
               can be said that distance between the principles that make up the body remain unchanged before

               and after applying a load.

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