P. 14

1.5  Tutorial Questions 1

               1)  Choose the best statements that explaining risk

                    a. Uncertainty about our future

                    b. Precise about our future decisions
                    c.  Ambiguity about the past

                    d. Certainly about not suffering any losses

               2)  Which of these is not a source of risk?

                    a. Political Risk

                    b. Technology Risk
                    c.  Environmental Risk

                    d. Functional Risk

               3)   Which of the following is an act of god?
                    a. Sunshine

                    b. A Hurricane

                    c.  McDonalds
                    d. A baby being born

               4)   Doses the project manager look into risks:
                    a. On the project

                    b. In the Project

                    c.  On top of the project
                    d. Beside the project

               5)   Why Risk Management is important? Which answer is incorrect?

                    a. Minimizes threats, maximizes opportunities and optimizes the achievement of
                      project objectives.

                    b. Reduce the number of risks that materialize into problems and minimize the


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