Page 40 - soil-plant-water relationship and water requirement
P. 40
1. Based on the information on given below, calculate :
i. the depth of water needed to raise the moisture to the field capacity level
ii. the maximum available moisture of the soil
Root zone depth = 0.8 m
Permanent wilting point = 10cm per 100cm soil
Field capacity = 25cm per 100cm soil
Relative moisture = 15cm per 100 cm soil
2. A vegetable farm is developed with micro-irrigation system. If the depth of root zone
is 45 cm, the moisture at field capacity is 20 %, wilting point remain at 10 % and ET 6
mm/day. Calculate available water content (AWC), Moisture at the root zone and
Irrigation depth by assume that the irrigation start when available moisture lose 60 %.
3. Sketch and label the diagram of Soil Water Parameters and Water Classes or
4. Soil sample at Politeknik Kota Bharu the soil moisture water content and data below
are obtained:
Can weight 22 g
Can weight + Soil sampel 53 g
Can weight + Soil sample after 12 hours dried oven 42 g
i. State the method used above to determine soil moisture content.
ii. Calculate percentages of soil moisture content based on weight.
5. An irrigation system is designed for a farm on loam land. Based on the information
and graph below, calculate:
a. the amount of moisture in the root zone
b. depth of application for each irrigation
Depth of corn root zone: 1.2 m