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P. 12 Setting Up The Level
- Release the clamp screw of the instrument
- Hold the instrument in the right hand and fix it on the tripod by turning
round only the lower part with the left hand.
- Screw the instrument firmly.
- Bring all the foot screws to the center of its run.
- Spread the tripod legs well apart.
- Fix any two legs firmly into the ground by pressing them with the hand.
- Move the third leg to the right or left until the main bubble is
approximately in the center.
- Then move the third leg in or out until the bubbles of the cross-level is
approximately in the center.
- Fix the third leg firmly when the bubbles are approximately in the
centers of their run. Levelling Up
- Place the telescope parallel to a pair of foot screws.
- Bring the bubble to the center of its run by turning the foot screws
equally either
- both inwards and both outwards.
- Turn the telescope through 90º so that it lies over the third foot screw.
- Turn this third foot screw so that the bubble corners to the center of its
- Bring the telescope back to the original position without reversing the
eye-piece and object glass.
- Repeat the above operations until the bubble remains in the center of
its run in both the positions.
- Turn the telescope through 180º and check whether the bubble remains
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