Page 10 - soil-plant-water relationship and water requirement
P. 10


                                                 CHAPTER 1

                               1.0 HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE IN AGRICULTURE

               Water is the lifeblood of the earth. Water distribution, on the other hand, is highly uneven;
               some areas have a lot of it, while others have very little. On Earth, water exists as a solid (ice),
               a liquid, or a gas (water vapor). Oceans, rivers, clouds, and rain, which all include water, are
               always changing (surface water evaporates, cloud water precipitates, rainfall infiltrates the
               ground, etc.). However, the overall amount of water on the planet remains constant. The
               "hydrologic cycle" refers to the movement and conservation of water on the earth.

               The hydrologic cycle is a model that explains how water is stored and moved through the
               biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere.

               Water is constantly circulated between the reservoirs. Precipitation, run-off, infiltration, deep
               percolation, evaporation, transpiration, and groundwater flow all contribute to this cycle.

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