Page 29 - soil-plant-water relationship and water requirement
P. 29


                              EXERCISE 2

               1.      An  evaporation  pan  filled  with  25°C  of  water  surface  temperature.      The  average
                       temperature and relative humidity in the elevation of 7.6 m from the surface are 30°C
                       and 65% respectively, and the wind speed is 12km/h. (If es at 25  C = 24 mmHg and es
                       at 30  C = 32 mmHg )

                      i.   The real water vapor pressure  ed is ……..

                           =A= 17.6 mmHg
                           =B= 15.6 mmHg
                           =C= 20.8 mmHg
                           =D= 22.4 mmHg

                      ii.   Variable, C based on information above is …….

                           =A= 26.16
                           =B= 19.16
                           =C= 22.07
                           =D= 16.16

               2.      Kostiakov equation is one of the equation to determine infiltration rates. The equation
                       derived below is  from experimental results in the field;

                                         i               6 . 0
                                                    5 . 0 t

                       Based on the above equation, calculate the depth and infiltration rate after 3.5 hour.

               3.      Elaborate the relationship between precipitation, infiltration and run-off with the aid of
                       related graph.

               4.      Relationship between time and depth of water infiltration into the soil obtained from
                       double-ring infiltrometer experiment are:

                               Time, t (min)                60       180
                               Infiltration, i (cm)         3.5      8.0


                       i.     Value for the constants of c and α
                       ii.    The time required for the 12cm of irrigation depth
                       iii.   Infiltration rate at the time above.

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