Page 128 - DJJ20063- Thermodynamics 1
P. 128

DJJ20063- Thermodynamics 1

                              Q = heat energy flow into system = -2100 kJ/min

                              W = work energy flow from system kJ/min

                              m  = fluid flow rate = 45 kg/min

                              h2 - h1 = -580  kJ/kg
                              C1& C2 = neglected

                              Z1& Z2  = neglected

                      Therefore the steady flow energy equation becomes

                      -2100 kJ/min – W = 45 kg/min (-580 kJ/kg)

                                      W = (26100 – 2100) kJ/min

                                           = 24000 kJ/min
                                                   = 400 kJ/s

                                           = 400 Kw

                      b)      Boilers

                      In a boiler operating under steady conditions, water is pumped into the boiler along the

                      feed line at the same rate as which steam leaves the boiler along the steam main, and

                      heat energy is supplied from the furnace at a steady rate.

                                            Figure 3.2.7-2 Steam Boiler

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