Page 14 - Ebook Financial Accounting 3
P. 14

1.4     The Initial Measurement of Intangible Assets

               1.4.1  Initial Cost of Intangible Assets

                       An intangible asset is measured initially at cost. The costs comprise of:

                       ✔ Purchase price including incidental costs such as taxes less trade discounts and
                          rebates, and

                       ✔ Any  directly  attributable  cost  of  preparing  the  asset  for  intended  use.  Such  as

                          acquisition from business combination and from government grant.

                  a.  Acquisition as Part of A Business Combination
                              In a business combination, the acquirer is to recognise at the date of acquisition

                       all identifiable intangibles of the acquiree, separately from goodwill. These identifiable
                       intangibles could be those that were recognised and those that have not been recognised

                       by the acquiree. The acquirer should recognise in-process research and development

                       project of the acquiree if it meets the definition of intangible and its fair value can be
                       measured reliably. These intangible assets will be measured at fair value which is the

                       quoted market prices in an active market.

                  b.  Acquisition by Way of a Government Grant

                              Intangible assets acquired free of charge, or for a nominal consideration, by way
                       of a government grant, are measured initially at fair value or at cost. The cost of the

                       intangible  acquired  is  measured  at  fair  value.  If  the  exchange  transaction  lacks
                       commercial substance or the fair value of neither the asset neither received nor given

                       up can be measured reliably, the acquired asset will be measured at the carrying amount
                       of the asset given up.

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