Page 9 - Ebook Financial Accounting 3
P. 9
▪ Trademark: a particular product or service through an exclusive right to display a
word, a slogan, a symbol or an emblem.
Used for a product or service that has been
registered and is legally protected
Used for a trademark that has not yet been
Used for a service mark that has not yet been
Used to notify the authorship of non-audio works
Used to notify the copyright of audio works
Figure 1.2
1.1.2 Types and the criteria of intangible assets:
a. Identifiable non-monetary assets
It is separable, i.e. capable of being separated or removed from the entity and
sold, licensed, entered or exchanged, either individually or together with related
contract, asset or liability; or arises from contractual or other legal rights. If the
intangible assets were acquired separately by purchase, the assets can be easily to
recognized because it involves the transfer of right from a legal aspect.
The intangible assets that can be recognized consist of copyright, pattern,
trademark, and others. The only intangible assets cannot be recognized is goodwill. It
cannot be recognized due to it difficult to separate from company and it cannot dispose
solely but must with the company together.