P. 4


               Risk  Management  book  is  primarily  intended  for  insurance  students  enrolled  in

               polytechnic diploma programme. Much of the content in this book will be useful and

               relevant to anyone who works in risk management similar fields. Many different areas
               of risk management are examined and presented, with supporting examples added

               in which they were believed to be incredibly beneficial to students.
                       The goal is to teach students knowledge on risk management that will help

               them to prepare for professional practices once they graduated from polytechnic.

               Risk Management are the emphasis of this book. Students will learn about nature of
               risks  as  introductions  and  the  fundamental  of  risk  management,  as  well  as  risk

               identification.  Every  aspect  of  risk  management  will  be  discussed,  including  risk
               management  and  analysis,  risk  management  techniques  and  risk  management

               programme. Risk and uncertainty, principle and objectives of risk management, tools

               of risk identification, risk matrik, risk avoidance, risk control, risk financing, and apply
               risk management programme for handling risk are all covered in this book.

                       This  book  is  mainly  designed  to  give  polytechnic  students  their  first

               introduction to risk management. It is also our hope that the book will appeal to
               readers from institutions of higher learning, besides matriculation and diploma.

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