Page 163 - DJJ20063- Thermodynamics 1
P. 163
DJJ20063- Thermodynamics 1
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1. Carnot cycle is never used in practice owing to:
1. The difficulty in stopping the condensation at 3, so that subsequent
compression would bring the state point to 4.
2. A very large compressor would be required.
3. Compression of wet steam in a rotary compressor is difficult as the water tends
to separate out.
4. Friction associated with the expansion and compression processes would cause
the net work done to be very small as compared to the work done in the turbine
The Carnot cycle is modified to overcome the above difficulties and this modified cycle,
known as the Rankine cycle, is widely used in practice.
4 5 1
T1 1 T1 p2
T2 T2
3 2 3 2
s A B s
Carnot cycle Rankine cycle
2. 0.37 % 4. 34.6 %, 0.997, 3.88 kg/kW h
3. 40.4 %, 0.771, 4.97 kg/kW h 5. 33.67 %, 33.55 %
S!!!!…May success be
with you always…
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