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                        If  it  were  to  extend  coverage  for  the  dependants  of  the  employees,  then  the

                         risk  would  be  different,  so  the  underwriter  will  have  to  evaluate  the  group

                         coverage for employees only or for dependants as well.

                        In  terms  of  a  wellness  program,  many  companies  make  an  effort  to  create  a
                         healthy workforce, out of their own initiative.

               4.3.4 UTILISATION REVIEW

                        A  claims  utilisation  review  is  important  to  detect  if  reasonable  and

                         customary  charges  are  charged  for  medically  necessary  procedures  to  avoid

                         abuse  or  overcharging  by  providers.  This  can  be  done  by  the  following



                  In  this  method,  the  Insured  is  required  to  submit  the  details  of  the  admitting

                  diagnosis  or  surgical  procedures  required,  to  the  Insurer  or  their  appointed  Third-

                  Party  Administrator  for  approval  of  the  admission,  prior  to  admission.  This  is  usually
                  on  a  pre-planned  basis,  as  a  majority  of  the  admissions  are  pre-planned  with  the

                  exception of a small probability due to emergency admission.

                  CASE MANAGEMENT

                  This  usually  applies  to  high-cost,  complex  treatment  or  major  surgery  and  not  to

                  common  day-to-day  cases.  The  case  is  managed,  usually  by  the  medical  doctor  of
                  the  insurance  company  or  their  appointed  Third-Party  Administrator  doctor,  to

                  oversee  that  the  treatment  is  delivered  in  the  most  cost-effective  manner  and  in

                  accordance with good medical practice of the disability.

                    CONCURRENT REVIEW

                  The  case  is  reviewed  on  an  on-going  basis  as  the  patient  receives  treatment  at  the
                  hospital  to  ensure  that  he  requires  to  be  treated  as  an  inpatient  and  all  the

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