P. 78


               These are a few examples duty of disclosure for proposer:

                     Before  insurance  contract  is  entered  into  or  varied,  insurance  company  may

                       request  a  proposer  to  answer  any  specific  questions  that  are  relevant  to  the
                       decision  of  the  insurer  whether  to  accept  the  risk  or  not  and  the  rates  and

                       terms to be applied.

                     It  is  the  duty  of  the  proposer  to  take  reasonable  care  not  to  make  a

                       misrepresentation  to  the  licensed  insurer  when  answering  any  questions  under

                       subparagraph (1).
                     Before insurance contract is renewed, insurance company may either:

                       (a) Request a proposer to answer one or more specific questions.

                       (b) Give  the  proposer  a  copy  of  any  matter  previously  disclosed  by  the  proposer
                          in  relation  to  the  contract  and  request  the  proposer  to  confirm  or  amend

                          any change to that matter,

                       (c)  It  is  the  duty  of  the  proposer  to  take  reasonable  care  not  to  make  a

                          misrepresentation to the insurance company when answering any,

                       (d) Insurance  company  shall,  before  insurance  contract  is  entered  into,  varied
                          or  renewed,  clearly  inform  the  proposers  in  writing  of  the  proposer's  pre-

                          contractual  duty  of  disclosure  under  this  paragraph,  and  that  this  duty  of

                          disclosure  shall  continue  until  the  time  the  contract  is  entered  into,  varied
                          or renewed.

                       (e) Others.

                  If  further  medical  evidence  is  required  for  an  insurance  application,  the  applicant

                  would have to furnish it at his own expense.

                  After  the  assessment  of  risk  is  done,  the  underwriter  would  make  underwriting

                  decisions  regarding  the  application  for  insurance,  which  could  be  one  of  the


                        Accepted as preferred basis
                        accepted as standard basis

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