Page 48 - EBOOK DPM 10013 POM-FINAL 25.10.2021
P. 48
4.1.1 Major Bases For Segmenting Consumer Market
Table 4.1:FOUR Major Bases For Segmentation Consumer Market
No Bases For Segmentation Consumer Market
1 Geographic One of the most basic strategies of segmenting the market is by
geographic location. People in one region of the country have
different shopping and consumption habits than those in other
2 Demographic Age, occupation, education, sex, and income are all popular
demographic factors used to segment markets.
3 Psychographic Because psychographic segmentation elements are subjective, they
are slightly more difficult to determine than demographic
segmentation components. They aren't data-driven, and uncovering
and comprehending them necessitates research.
Examples of Psychographic Market Segmentation:
a) Personality traits
b) Values
c) Attitudes
d) Interests
e) Lifestyles
f) Psychological influences
g) Subconscious and conscious beliefs
h) Motivations
i) Priorities
4 Behavioural Behavioural segmentation necessitates an understanding of your
customers' actions.
These actions could be related to how a client interacts with your
brand or to other activities that occur outside of it.
a) Purchasing habits
b) Spending habits
c) User status
d) Brand interactions