P. 126

Politeknik Kota Bharu

                        ❑     The Performance Bonds must be remains valid and effective

                              from the construction period up to 12 months after the expiry
                              of defect liability period or after the issuance of certificate of

                              making good defect, whichever is later.

                        ❑     If the contractor fails to provide the performance bond on the

                              date  of possession  of  the  site,  they are presumed  to  have
                              chosen  the  performance  guarantee  sum,  which  includes  a

                              deduction of 10% from each interim payment until the total
                              amount deducted equals 5% of the contract value.

                        ❑     The amount deducted must be retain by the government from
                              the construction period up to 12 months after the expiry of

                              defect  liability  period  or  after  the  issuance  of  certificate  of

                              making good defect, whichever is later.

                        ❑     If the contractor fails to meet his contractual responsibilities,

                              the government has the right to demand performance at any
                              moment, either whole or partially.

                        ❑     Once  the  Certificate  of  Practical  Completion  (CPC)  is
                              obtained, the government can release half of the performance

                              bond if the contractor substitutes it with a new performance
                              bond for 50% of the original amount. The remaining 50% of

                              the  performance  bond  may  be  released  or  refunded  upon
                              presentation  of  a  certificate  of  making  good  defect  for  the

                              entire project.

                        ❑     If the contract is terminated, the performance bond, or any

                              remaining portion thereof, is forfeited.

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