P. 122
Politeknik Kota Bharu
6.1.3 Contractor Failure Factors in Tender Participation
i. Failed to sign the tender form (Form of Tender).
ii. Failed to put the completion period on the tender form
(Form of Tender).
iii. Unauthorized individuals' signatures on the tender form.
iv. Failed to produce a copy of the company's most recent
statement of account, such as in the previous three (3) months.
v. Failed to present both a current list of work experience and a
list of work in progress.
vi. The company's registration period with the Pusat Khidmat
Kontraktor (PKK) or the Malaysian Construction Industry
Development Board (CIDB) has expired when the tender
closing date.
vii. Lack of work experience connected to the work offered; for
example, if the work tendered is related to bridge construction
but the tenderer background is in building construction, it will
be difficult to evaluate him.
viii. Inadequate technical staffing: for example, for a Class A
project, the contracting company will require several technical
professionals who are qualified in the field of construction.
ix. Inadequate plants and equipment for the job being tendered.
x. Have too many current jobs on hand and having issues with
low work performance.
xi. Has poor capital liquidity