P. 120

Politeknik Kota Bharu

                        3. Third  Stage Assessment  - The  Most  Profitable  Tender  to  Be


                           •  The evaluation procedure involves adjusting the tender price

                             to reflect for the period of the work being offered, as well as
                             the impact of lowering the price and shortening the duration on

                             the tenderer's capacity to select the most profitable tender to
                             be accepted.

                           •  The factors to be considered are as follows: -

                              a)  A Tender Price Adjustment factor must be applied to

                                  all tenders that have passed the second stage but
                                  have  a  longer  completion  period.  The  tenderer's

                                  tender  price  that  offers  a  longer  completion  period

                                  than  a  reasonable  completion  period  shall  be

                                  adjusted by adding the amount of loss projected to
                                  be sustained by the Government because of project

                                  completion delay to the tenderer's tender price.

                              b)  Effect of Lowering Tender Price Factor – The factor,

                                  namely the price reduction factor (FRH), is multiplied
                                  by  the  Cost  Capability  score  obtained  in  the  2nd

                                  stage  on  all  tenders  that  have  passed  in  the  2nd

                                  stage but offer the original tender price less than 13

                                  percent lower than the Department's Estimate.

                              c)  Effect  of  Shortening  of  Completion  Period  Factor

                                  shall be  made on tenders where the overall score
                                  (after considering the Price Reduction Effect where

                                  applicable)  and  technical  capability  score  are

                                  marginal, and the tender completion period is shorter
                                  than the Average Desired Completion Period.

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