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               3.2.3   PAYMENT METHOD DISCOUNTS

               Payment  method  discounts  are  discounts  negotiated  with  providers,  on
               bills  or  invoice  amounts  at  a  certain  percentage.  Providers  generally  do  not

               give  discounts  on  hospital  supplies  and  services  and  the  only  discount

               given  is  on  the  room  and  board  charges,  which  average  about  10%.

               However,  special  negotiation  can  be  made  for  extremely  large  volumes  of
               business, if the hospitals are in the preferred panel for certain big clients.

               The  insurer  will  generally  pass  on  the  discount  to  the  claimant  to  reduce

               the  overall  claim  cost  so  that  the  overall  loss  ratio  can  be  maintained  with

               minimal adjustment of premium in the next renewal policy.

               Professional  fees  cannot  be  discounted  as  they  are  regulated  by  the  13th
               Schedule  of  the  Private  Healthcare  Facilities  and  Services  (Private  Hospitals

               and Other Private Health Care Facilities) (Amendment) Order 2013.

               3.2.4  EXCESSES

               An  'excess'  or  'deductible'  is  a  fixed  amount  that  a  policyholder  must  first
               pay  regardless  of  the  total  cost  of  an  eligible  benefit.  If  a  deductible  of

               RM5,000  is  applied,  the  policyholder  will  have  to  pay  the  first  RM5,000  of

               the  total  cost  of  an  eligible  benefit  and  the  remaining  balance  will  be  paid

               by the insurer up to the policy overall annual limit.

               The  use  of  excesses  or  deductibles  is  often  a  product  feature  that  offers  a
               lower  premium  for  policyholders  and  they  are  held  accountable  for  the

               excesses  imposed.  The  amount  can  be  predetermined  on  a  'by  product'  or

               'by  client'  basis,  as  in  the  case  of  group  PMI.  It  usually  acts  as
               discouragement  to  claim,  as  the  policyholder  will  have  to  fork  out  the

               excess, and consequently may reduce the incidence of claims.

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