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whereby premiums may not be adequately priced, it is recommended to
set a limit for the following stated benefits:
a) Implants
b) Prescribed medicines
c) Medically necessary diagnostic tests
Another way to curtail abuse and ensure that only medically necessary
surgeries are done is to impose the benefit of second surgical opinion. This
is for non-emergency surgery and the Insured has to obtain a confirming
second opinion before undergoing the surgery in order for the expenses to
be reimbursable. A selection of non-emergency surgeries can be identified,
for example, tonsillectomy. This will form part of the product features to
weed out abuse or fraudulent intent cases and allow only genuine,
medically necessary treatment to be covered.
Apart from the standard policy exclusion, additional exclusions are
generally applied after full medical underwriting has been done for certain
disabilities not within the risk acceptance level of the insurer. These
exclusions will assist in eliminating the risk that has a high probability of
occurrence or which may expose the insurer to a significant loss. This is
usually done for individual and small group PMI policies, wherein medical
underwriting is conducted. In this way, the insurer can also provide a
standard rate for proposers who would otherwise be charged a loading
because of known health problems that may increase the morbidity risk.
Exclusions can also be applied for hazardous occupation risks or hazardous
sports activities that may increase the incidence rate of injury.
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