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               Apart  from  the  standard  pre-existing  conditions,  it  is  also  recommended  to

               exclude  the  specified  illnesses  during  the  first  120  days  of  occurrence  for  a

               new individual or group policy.

               With  the  imposition  of  exclusions  it  will  definitely  reduce  the  insurer's

               exposure  to  a  known  disability  or  disabilities  that  have  a  likelihood  of
               dispute during the first few months of cover.

               3.2.9   PROVIDER NETWORKS

               Most  insurers  in  Malaysia  will  select  specific  hospitals  as  panel  hospitals
               for    their    policyholders      to    facilitate   hospital    admission,      with    the

               appointment  of  a  Third-Party  Administrator  (TPA)  to  administer  the

               hospital  admission  and  discharge.  The  selection  criteria  are  generally  the
               logistics  of  the  hospitals  and  the  charges.  However,  the  choice  is  also

               sometimes  dictated  by  the  client  to  use  a  high-end  hospital  and  hence  the

               paneling will defeat its purpose.

               As  mentioned  earlier,  the  physician's  fees  are  fixed  and  hospitals  do  not

               give  bulk  discounts  for  their  supplies  except  on  room  and  board  rates,

               which  make  this  approach  a  poor  measure  of  cost  containment  if  the  panel
               is open to all hospitals in Malaysia.

               On  the  other  hand,  a  closed  panel  with  only  a  few  selected  medium-priced

               hospitals  for  a  group,  may  contain  the  cost  as  the  charges  are  lower  than

               those of high-end hospitals.

               There  must  be  collaboration  between  the  hospital  and  insurer  to  ensure
               transparency  in  charges  and  to  avoid  unnecessary  admission  for  overnight


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