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               of  the  refund,  as  the  lifetime  of  the  policy  during  that  period  is

               proportional to the entire duration of that period.

               Accordingly,  it  is  also  a  good  retention  strategy  to  encourage  good

               policyholders  to  continue  with  the  insurer  and  enjoy  the  experience  refund

               as it is used to offset the renewal premium.

               3.2.6  CO-INSURANCE

               Cost  sharing  or  co-insurance  in  claims  utilisation  is  being  applied  more

               frequently  now  as  a  cost  containment  measure  tor  both,  individual  and
               group PMI policies.

               The  Insurer  normally  shoulders  a  higher  percentage  of  the  co-insurance;

               usually  up  to  80%  while  the  Insured  may  be  accountable  for  up  to  20%.

               However,       other     proportional     percentages       may     also    be     applicable

               depending  on  the  product  design.  In  such  cases,  the  room  and  board  is
               fixed and not subject to co-insurance apportionment.

               The  other  very  popular  co-insurance  is  the  'upgraded  room  &  board  co-

               payment'.  This  condition  is  applicable  for  both  individual  and  group  PMI


               Similar  to  excesses  and  deductibles,  the  application  of  co-payment  has

               been  found  to  be  effective  in  keeping  a  check  on  the  claim  cost,  as
               policyholders  take  more  responsibility  for  their  utilisation  and  making  sure

               that they are billed correctly for their utilisation.

               3.2.7  BENEFIT LIMITS

               The  benefit  limits  of  PMI  policies  vary  among  insurers.  The  higher  the

               benefits, the higher would be the premium priced.

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