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2.5 Causes of Job Satisfaction
There are many contributing reasons or factors to whether an employee feels satisfied or
dissatisfied with his/her job. Research has proven that an employee who enjoys his/her work
will correspondingly have a high job satisfaction level. Therefore, organizational leaders and
employers have invested in many ways to ensure that employees are happy at work. Among
the factors affecting employees' job satisfaction are:
a) The nature of the job
b) Employee involvement
c) Salary and benefits
d) Opportunities for promotions (within the organization)
e) Supervisors and managers (whom the employees deal with)
f) Co-workers and office mates (within the organization)
g) Gender and race
2.6 Impact of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employee at Workplace
Employee responses to job dissatisfaction: What happens when employees like their
jobs, and when they dislike their jobs? One theoretical model—the exit–voice–loyalty–
neglect framework—is helpful in understanding the consequences of dissatisfaction.
Figure 2-2 illustrates the framework’s four responses, which differ along two dimensions:
constructive/destructive and active/passive. The responses are as follows:
● Exit - The exit response directs behavior toward leaving the organization, including
looking for a new position as well as resigning.
● Voice - The voice response includes actively and constructively attempting to improve
conditions, including suggesting improvements, discussing problems with superiors,
and undertaking some forms of union activity.
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