P. 24

●  Loyalty  -  The  loyalty  response  means  passively  but  optimistically  waiting  for

                          conditions  to  improve,  including  speaking  up  for  the  organization  in  the  face  of

                          external criticism and trusting the organization and its management to “do the right

                       ●  Neglect - The neglect response passively allows conditions to worsen and includes

                          chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced effort, and increased error rate.

                                   Figure 2.2: How Employees can express dissatisfaction

                        Source: Organizational Behavior, 15 . Edition, Stephen P. Robbins. Timothy A. Judge

               2.7 Outcomes of Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

                    Satisfied  employees  make  the  most  of  their  work  time,  producing  quality  products  and

                    services. Dissatisfied employees tend to spend less time focusing on their job duties and

                    more time discussing with family, friends and co-workers why they are unhappy at work.
                    Lack of motivation and attention to detail are the results of dissatisfied employees, which

                    translates  to  low  productivity.  Consequently,  companies  whose  employees'  productivity

                    levels are low also experience loss of profits.
                    Customer loyalty declines when employees are dissatisfied with their jobs. Employees who

                    enjoy what they do are more likely to interact with customers and clients in a much more

                    positively and cheerfully.
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