Page 83 - DJJ20063- Thermodynamics 1
P. 83

DJJ20063- Thermodynamics 1

                      b)      Kinetic energy

                              A fluid in motion possesses kinetic energy. If the fluid flows with velocity C, then,

                              for unit mass of fluid,

                                                            C  2
                                            Kinetic energy =

                      c)      Internal energy
                              All fluids store energy. The store of energy within any fluid can be increased or

                              decreased  as  a  result  of  various  processes  carried  out  on  or  by the fluid.  The

                              energy stored within a fluid which results from the internal motion of its atoms

                              and molecules is called its internal energy and it is usually designated by the letter

                              U. If the internal energy of the unit mass of fluid is discussed this is then called the
                              specific internal energy and is designated by u.

                      d)      Flow or displacement energy
                              In order to enter or leave the system, any entering or leaving volume of fluid must

                              be displaced with an equal volume ahead of itself. The displacing mass must do

                              work on the mass being displaced, since the movement of any mass can only be

                              achieved at the expense of work.

                              Thus, if the volume of unit mass of liquid (its specific volume) at entry is v1 and its

                              pressure is P1, then in order to enter a system it must displace an equal specific

                              volume v1 inside the system. Thus work to the value P1v1 is done on the specific
                              volume inside the system by the specific volume outside the system. This work is

                              called flow or displacement work and at entry it is energy received by the system.

                              Similarly, at exit, in order to leave, the flow work must be done by the fluid inside
                              the system on the fluid outside the system. Thus, if the pressure at exit, is P2 and

                              the specific volume is v2 the equation is then,

                                     Flow or displacement work rejected = P2v2

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