P. 78

Politeknik Kota Bharu

               4.0      TENDERING PROCEDURES

               4.1      Definition of Tender

                        ❑     A tender is an offer to do or perform an act which the party
                              offering, is bound to perform to the party to whom the offer is

                              made. An offer is a promise or acknowledgment, or proposal
                              made by an offeror to another called the beneficiary (offeree).

                              (Please refer to Section 2 (a) and 2 (c) of the Contract Act 1950.

                        ❑     When such an offer is accepted, the maker of the offer, as

                              well as the terms of his contract, are obligated by it.

                        ❑     In  response  to  an  invitation  to  tender,  a  prospective

                              Contractor/Supplier (offeror) submits a tender (by offeree).

                        ❑     To eliminate uncertainty and doubt in the future, an offer must

                              be explicit, complete, and final.

                        ❑     According  to  section  2  (c)  of  the  Contracts  Act  1950,  the

                              person who makes the proposal is known as the "promisor,"
                              and the person who accepts the proposal is known as the


                        ❑     An offer is a promise made to another person who agrees to

                              the terms put forth by the promisor.

                        ❑     An invitation is not the same as an offer. When a proposal is

                              accepted, it becomes a contract (contract).

                        ❑     When an invitation is accepted, however, it is only an offer.

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